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Think About it -

Are you being taken for granted?

It should be a compliment. It means you are dependable, available when needed, doing what your are expected to do without being “buttered up” or bribed. What more could you want?

Do you believe in a democracy?

In a democracy you are expected to obey the majority rule. Is breaking the speed limit not a crime but shoplifting is? If you only break the rules you agree with, doesn’t the shoplifter disagree with the law about shoplifting?

Have you been called, “Mr. Goody two shoes”?

A good response is, “I try.” None of us are perfect but we should strive to be better. We do not intend to do wrong but sometimes it just happens.

Do you play the lottery?

Do you realize the odds for winning? People rush to buy tickets for the big prizes. As the prizes get bigger and more people participate, the odds become greater. Of course there are winners. We hear about them but we don’t hear much about the losers. Do you feel comfortable about donating to someone else’s fortune.

Are there such things as Human Rights?

I don’t think so. We have privileges. It seems like, in our society, we don’t even have the right to die.
We do have:

We have a lot of privileges here in the United States.

The Price of Gas

In the early 40’s a helper’s wage was $0.75 per hour. The price of gas was $0.20 per gal. A full size auto would get about 13 miles per gal. An hour’s wage would buy 3.5 gal. of gas that would take you about 46 miles down the road. Now a helper’s wage is $10.00 per hour. A full size modern car should get about 25 miles per gal. Now (2008) a gal. Of gas is $4.00 per gal. Now an hour’s wage will buy 2.5 gal of gas that should take you about 62 miles down the road.

Of course it was hard to come up with gas money in the 40’s as it now. We have been spoiled the last 30 years or so while wages had already risen much faster than gas prices.

Work Space:

A messy shop and a cluttered desk are signs of activity.

Milk glass ornaments and silk roses are ornamental and look nice but sometimes take up work space.

Fixed Income?

We often hear that retired people are on fixed income. Why just retired people? Isn’t anyone on a salary on a fixed income? Of course, contractors and anyone on commission has a variable or uncertain income. I think most retirees have income other that Social Security and a pension. Interest veries and rental income changes so what’s fixed? If things get too tight, most retires can find part time jobs like bagging groceries or working at “Fast Food” places.

While on the subject of income, why are most people on Social Security concerned about earning more that they can without losing some of their Social Security? They won’t lose more than the extra they make. Now that I said that, I think the law has been changed so there is no limit on their earnings. In fact, even if they did lose some of their Social Security, the extra earnings would cause their Social Security to increase.

Seperation of Church and State.

Where did this phrase come from? It is not in the US Constitution. I can imagine it is a loose interpretation of the first amendment. Taken literally it would apply only to Christians (not Jews, Muslim, Buddhist, etc) and the individual states (not the Federal Government).

The first amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I think there should be a qualifying statement after “prohibiting the free exercise thereof” - "except as prohibited elsewhere in this Constitution." Some religions promote human sacrifices and others accept polygamy.

It seems to me the amendment allows prayer and religious displays ingovernment places. Anyway, why should a non-believer be concerned about such. If one thinks religons are false, why should they think a prayer opr display would be harmful?


Sometimes it’s necessary to get a certain project done but if I can manage it without help I can probably get it done sooner and better. Help often gets in my way. Also, I am not a good teacher.


Of all the protests on the news, I don’t remember any that had solutions except to “give me”. It seems to me that if the leaders should plan a solution and form a small committee to negotiate with the authorities. Peaceful mass meetings it public areas do get attention but to chant negative phrases only promotes opposition. It seems to me that speeches and chants be positive and explain their proposed solution that would benefit everybody, not just the protesters.

What is my Name?

At a family gathering my wife, friends and siblings call me “Bill“, my children call me “Daddy“, my nieces and nephews call me “Uncle Bill“, my grandchildren call me “Granddaddy“, My great-grandchildren are confused. I know that is common practice but I am told it is more respectable than just calling me “Bill” as I would prefer. I would like to be respected by everyone - is “Bill” less respectable?


Driving is like a team sport. All players are on the same team. The object of the game is for all players to reach their destination with less aggravation and stress. Unfortunately, there are a few players that want glory by trying reach their destination sooner by not following all the rules (of the road). Sometimes, instead of reaching their destination sooner, an official will take the player out of the game. As players reach their goal, other players will enter the game. There is no set number of player for the game.

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