My Spiritual Testimony
I hesitate to include this because there are those who will think my stand is not complete. They may be right, since I think some may think so. I feel like I have an open mind and enjoy bringing up controversy occasionally. I would resent being put on a prayer list for conversion to another’s way of thinking. I respect the right of anyone to have their own faith and expect others to respect the same right. Don’t get me wrong - I do believe in missions, but I think there are some conflicts in the Bible that we (no one) really understands. Denominations, including Southern Baptist, tend to pick one scripture to emphasize, ignoring other scriptures that say otherwise. Paul’s letters were written in a time when customs were different. He supports some customs of the day that Jesus does not. You know what I am talking about. I am prefer to follow the teachings of Jesus.
Christian Family
I grew up in a Christian family. Daddy grew up in the Methodist Church. Mother grew up in the Episcopal Church. I don’t remember what church we went to before moving to the farm. I remember Daddy saying that we would attend the closest church. We didn’t. The closest church adjoined the farm and was less than half a mile from the house. However, the members were all black. We went to the Presbyterian church about one mile from the house.
Joining the Church
I think I mentioned in an earlier chapter that I attended the third grade in Glenville, WV while staying with Daddy’s mother (we called Gangoo). Of course Gangoo took me to the Methodist church. It was customary for just about the whole congregation to rededicate at the end of a revival service. I thought they were just letting the preacher know that they liked the sermon.
I think I was nine when I joined Salem Presbyterian Church.. One night at a revival service, no one was going up to congratulate the preacher. I thought the sermon was fine and decided I would let him know that I thought so. I went up to shake his hand. He told me to have a seat up front. After the benediction, he asked me some questions about my beliefs. I believed. I had always believed. I had been baptized (sprinkled) as an infant. I was voted in as a member.
From Presbyterian to Baptist
Mary Ellen transferred her membership to Salem after we were married. Having been Baptist, she felt that something was lacking. We started going to New Bethesda Baptist Church about six miles from home. I had attended Baptist churches while in college and traveling. The Baptists seem to always have a good Youth Group. I agreed to be submersed in Believer’s Baptism and joined New Bethesda. I don’t find the doctrine much different from the Presbyterian. We have stuck with Southern Baptist Churches with all of our moves.
My Beliefs
I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. I don’t take it all literally. I prefer only translations from the original Greek and Hebrew writings. Also, the Bible was written in a time when customs were different from what they are today. I don’t know, but it seems to me that some of the stories generally accepted to be literal and are written according to the custom of the day to make a point that applies even today. An example is the story of Job. Whether the whole story is true or not, the point is real and important - no one knows the mind of God.
I believe that Jesus is the true Son of God and though we don’t see his body, His spirit surely lives.
I believe in prayer. My prayers are mostly private. I don’t “speak in tongues” but God knows my thoughts. My voiced prayers are usually because I am expected to lead in prayer.
I believe that the laws of science are laws of God. Devine Creation, to me, means that the universe was created by God’s scientific laws. A day in creation could be eons in our years. After all, days are based on our solar system which was not here before creation.
I believe that there could be intelligent life on other planets and our God is their God, also. If they have a Bible, it would be different from ours, but inspired by the same God.
I believe that members of other religions that believe in our one God are not necessarily destined to Hell. Though Jesus said that He is the only way, He also said that He and God are one.
I know that I am not perfect. I don’t know it all. In fact, I know very little. I try to do right and fail a lot. I continued living in the cottage by myself until Septemper 2022 at which time I moved into Fox Hollow assisted living facility in Pinehurst. I Thought I needed more help than I used so I moved in with Jeanie and David the last of March 2022.